Monday, July 19, 2010

Mr. Chief Justice - Tear Down This Moses*

Moses remains at the peak of the U. S. Supreme Court building.

The U. S. Supreme Court offered some ambiguous but negative rulings on the Ten Commandments, even though Moses and the Commandments are featured in their building and in their building.

The United States Constitution is based on natural law. Divine Creation, variously interpreted, established the concept of right and wrong. For that reason, historic law-givers are viewed as examples of ways mankind has been governed, all laws derived from a universal concept.

The Supreme Court building features all the famous law-givers of our culture.

In the past, religion has been viewed in a positive light, without assuming that everyone must believe the same.

*For those too young to remember, the headline is a play on Reagan's speech in Berlin, where he said: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Interior of the Supreme Court building.

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